What'cha Watchin'? (Possible Spoilers)

Them, on Prime
Season 1 was great

Watching season 2

Love this sorta thing


Iā€™ll have to check that one out. :slight_smile:

One day, Iā€™ll climb out from under the rock ā€¦

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Just saw the trailer to Fallout
Michael Emerson from Lost (Ben Linus, Henry Gale) appears in Fallout S01E2 :nerd_face:

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I only watched two episodes of the first season, so Iā€™m missing things that might be explained later.

However, I also assumed the plot relied on quantum entanglement as the basis for instantaneous communication over many light yearsā€”even though quantum entanglement cannot communicate predetermined information.

Hereā€™s my feeble, annoying, and pedantic attempt at explaining one aspect of quantum entanglement as I understand it. Fundamental particles exist as waves of possible positions (superpositions) but collapse into particles with fixed positions when observed. For example, an electron is a type of fundamental particle that orbits an atomā€™s nucleus. The electron is a particle, but it simultaneously occupies all possible positions (superpositions) around the nucleus as a wave until itā€™s observed. At this point, those superpositions collapse into a fixed position.

With that in mind, entangled particles share the same quantum state (for simplicityā€™s sake, letā€™s say either X or Y). However, that shared state is inherently random and canā€™t communicate information.

For example, if an entangled pair of particles existed with these X and Y superpositions. The receiver of one of the particles could observe that particle. However, the observation would collapse its wave function to one of its two possible superpositions. The only thing the observer of the entangled particle would know is that its entangled sibling, many light years away, shared the same random state.

The key limitation is randomness. The wave functionā€™s collapse into one of the particleā€™s superpositions is random and canā€™t be predetermined. This randomness means that communicating predetermined information is impossible. Coordinating the wave function collapse of trillions of paired particles to communicate complex information would be impossible by a trillion times.

Iā€™m impressed that the bookā€™s writer and the seriesā€™ producers took a chance on a deep dive into, as Einstein put it, ā€œspooky action at a distance.ā€ Any science fiction requires some suspension of disbelief. In other words, letā€™s assume that an advanced civilization figured out a workaround to what we consider impossible.

Iā€™m unsure if Iā€™ll watch the rest of the series. The premise is interesting enough to make me want to read the book instead. Iā€™ve read other books by Liu Cixin and liked them.


Yeh they rely on this but itā€™s not founded.

The know Quantum particles exists and can create them but not for communication.

Fun thing about alien or unknown is that they create tech to suit them.

I often wonder what tech won.

AC over DC
What tech would phones be if Alexander Graham Bell had not wonā€¦

And like so many inventions that came along the same time.

Where would we be had we gone a different direction

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We watched Unfrosted over the weekend. I hate to admit it, but I was let down. There might be some nostalgia value for those over 50, but, overall, I felt like it jumped around too fast, the wacky bits were just wacky bits, and there was nobody that you wanted to rally behind.


On the positive side we started watching The Gentlemen, an 8-part series on Netflix, and it is quite good so far. If you enjoyed Breaking Bad, youā€™d probably enjoy The Gentlemen.


I just found out the new season of Bridgerton dropped. Thatā€™s what I will be watching tonight :wink:

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Watched Outer Range season 2 dropped yesterday.

Binged the entire thing.
Itā€™s amazing. What a show. Itā€™s absolutely crazy show.

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