Your neck of the woods

I’m on the other side of the country from RKK, but we got hit with a pretty good snow storm today too. It’s only half as deep here, but it’s still the biggest single snow storm we’ve had this year. I suspect that up the canyons from us at the ski resorts, it’s much deeper.

Luckily, today’s a holiday and I didn’t need to drive into work. Here are a couple of photos I just shot from our upstairs window. Looks like I have some shoveling to do.


Your snow is much clumpier than ours. I was hoping to wake up to Confectioner sugar coated trees … but no joy :wink:

Our’s was more ice crystals … it still piled up … but didn’t really attached to the trees as it normally would.

I love your clumpy trees :smiley:

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Looks like you have a great view!

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Yeah, we live on the mountainside just east of the city. On a smog-free day (sort of rare in the winter), we can see the whole Salt Lake Valley.

Near white out conditions today with the wind and continuing snow

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Holy cow! That looks miserable. It’s bright, sunny and in the low 40s here. We actually need more snow, so feel free to send some our way if you’d like (You can keep the cold, though.)

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I’m holding out for the weekend. It’s supposed to be 61 on Saturday and Sunday. Might have to pull the road bike off of the trainer and get it outside in its natural environment!

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Not much happening yet in the new growth department here in ol’Upstate NY lol :wink:

But, our tree is getting the prettiest red buds :slight_smile:

It’s a great day. Fairly warm and sunny. The wind is gusting though :wink: That is creating cold gust that will cut right through you.

Here is our tree and a close up of the buds.



I know several people who dread the hardwood trees looking like that. I love it, but if I had those people’s allergies, I might feel differently. Pollen season is upon us.

On a similar note, while pulling into the parking lot here at work this morning, I noticed an apricot tree in full bloom for the first time this year. Spring is definitely here.

We usually get time to have the windows open between the winter cold and the spring pollen. This year jumped right from cold to pollen.

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What a difference a day makes :smiley:




Yup, this is what spring is all about. It just teases us for a couple of months.

Last week, here in Salt Lake, it was pleasant and sunny.

On Friday of last week, we got over a foot of snow at our house. The electricity was out most of the day due to broken branches downing power lines all over town.

This week, it’s again been warm and sunny with quite a bit of rain. That foot of snow is completely gone and our apricot tree just blossomed out today.

Two days from now, who knows? :grinning:

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Who knows is right :wink:

Today, nothing left to indicate we had about 4 inches of the stuff yesterday. It’s almost 60° :smiley:

The Hudson River in Glens Falls as they should be. I suck at video but what the hay.

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That’s a lot of water.

We don’t have rivers like that here in the arid west. There’s the Colorado — just a fraction of the volume of the Hudson — but it doesn’t even make it to the ocean any longer before it’s sucked dry.

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That’s what rain every day for a month will get you :wink:

My sisters basement keeps flooding along with many others I’m sure :wink:

Love seeing the falls so full though :heart:

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And so begins the fishing season for the wife.


This image technically kinda sucks but it’s fun. this is hand held @20x zoom with my point and shoot. I had to run some errands before work today. I was way to early for work so decided to stop by Crandal Pond here in Glens Falls. found this guy surfing this log it crack me up how he/she seems to be balancing on the log…Might be a good excuse to buuy a new tripod so i can keep the other new one in the car.


We have quite a build up of ice on the trees today :flushed:

nice captures, hopefully those branches are strong to hold the extra weight.
that green and ice looks very graphic on Mo’ Nature can provide!

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