Give critique for pet store logo

hi, these are logos i made for a pet store called Joy. i want to know your honest opinion on them :slight_smile: (don’t mind the colors)
for the first one i used the letter J as a dog’s ear and the line on top of the letter as the side profile.
for the second one i decided to make it a cat, the Y being the face, O being the body and J being the tail.
please tell me which one you prefer, i’m interested in hearing your perspectives and opinions on how i can improve these. thanks!

draw more options. Get past all the bad ideas.
Besides, not all pets are dogs.
My cats have two very nice human pets.


The first looks like a motor vehicle, and the second looks like a bird with a deformed bill.

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If you use the name of the company as a logotype/wordmark, the name of the company must be easily read — legibility is crucial. A sign on a storefront that people can’t easily decipher would be a major problem for the business.

Your first example is legible, but I don’t see a pet. I see a porpoise. Your second example is almost completely illegible and doesn’t look like a cat at first (or second) glance.

Unfortunately, I think you’re trying to place cleverness ahead of legibility. Remember, form should always follow function.



Good first sketches. You need to do a lot more of these. You shouldn’t have to explain that the J as a dog’s ear or what anything represents. It needs to stand on it’s own merits, since customers won’t want or seek an explanation.

I think what everyone has said thus far is that we care more about your intent than the design. This is a pet store, but some vital questions need to be considered when giving a critique:

  • What kind of pet store? Does it cater to a wide variety of animals?
  • Practical items or boutique items? Both?
  • What’s the vibe? All-natural? Fancy? Family-focused?

No when can give you advice when we don’t know who you’re making this for. Check out this post to help you sort your thoughts.

To be honest, I wouldn’t have guessed that this is a logo for a pet store. Perhaps try not to obscure the animal and show it directly. If you’re concerned that using a silhouette of a dog or cat in the logo might make it seem overly cliché, then try depicting other pets, such as fish, birds, etc.