Hello, I’m Vikki, and I’ve just joined. I am a graphic designer who tries lots of analog methods, like painting and drawing (always making a mess as I go), but I love my computers and adobe just too, too much. I’m glad to be here with other designers.
Welcome to the Graphic Design Forum, Vikki. I’m next door in Utah — also in the foothills.
Hi Just-B, and thank you for the welcome. I love that there is a whole online forum for graphic design! I hope you are making it through the summer heat. It’s not a graphic design topic, but I know it was about 110 when I visited Park City a few years ago about this time, and it looks like it’s pretty warm weather in Utah now. We just finished a week of a fire/evacuation scene close to our house, so I’ve been thinking about how I might design an illustrated/informational evacuation checklist or pamphlet kind of thing that isn’t just text on the website like our county is using. (Now, anyway, that I’m not thinking about evacuating our own house.) I’d probably just do it for a portfolio piece. All the best, Vikki
Welcome to the forum!
The heat has been awful. Luckily, I live near the mountains, and I’ve been spending lots of time in them. Up above the 10,000-foot elevations, there are still a few patches of snow on some of the north-facing slopes where the snow drifted last winter. Down in the valleys, it’s been up around 100°F for weeks.
Speaking of wildfires, I’ve spent time this summer thinning out the Gambel Oak (scrub oak) in our backyard to help create a fire break. We live right up against the mountains, and the fire danger is pretty high.
Welcome Aboard TigerBetty!!!
Upstate NY’er here
Welcome to the forum!
From Toronto, a little further north.
Hello RedKittie Kat, thank you for the welcome.
I am looking forward to seeing and reading through the Forum. I was looking around earlier this evening, and I found the Music thread with all of the youTube videos. I am going to have to explore that further as I saw a lot of groups and songs I love, too.
Hi Eriskay, Thank you for welcoming me to the forum.
Lots of goodies in there for sure!
Hi Jim, and thank you so much for the kind welcome!
The heat has been nuts this year. Such a far cry from all of last year’s rain. I’ll bet it is just beautiful where you live right at the mountain, and that makes it harder to think about a wildfire happening by your house. That oak scrub you’re working on is a great plan and hard work, too. We look at Mt. Evans/Blue Sky out in the distance, and there isn’t really anything much showing white up there anymore.
We live in a canyon on the side of the hill, so the back of our house is forest and scrub, and the front looks at a meadow and the mountains. This is the first year in ten since we’ve been up here that we have actually had a real scare and started making plans if we had to go. I hope you get a break with rain and cooler weather soon.
I knew I was in the right place when I found the Violent Femmes video for my favorite crank-it-as-loud-as-possible for the big drums song: ‘Do You Like American Music.’ So much fun!