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my patio garden a couple weeks ago.
Sundrops in full bloom and the Damask roses just starting (you can see em on the sun side behind the butterfly)

Those roses are from some rooted stolons pulled up from around some plants I found near an 1800s cellar hole while out hiking about 40 years ago. I’ve always grown them on and brought them with me when I move (once keeping some in a friend’s garden for the year I had to live in an apartment.) They are thorny as all getout, sticky with a fragrant resin that deer hate, and the smell of the flowers fills the whole patio and is great coming in through the windows at night.


Oh and all the dead trees in the background use to be hemlocks. The Adelgids did em in for good last year. Very sad.

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They look lovely! The description of their aroma sounds wonderful too! :slight_smile:

Can you tell I have a “violet problem”? LOL! Don’t get me wrong, violets are very pretty, but they seed everywhere! (I’m also kinda lazy about weed-whacking the walkway. :stuck_out_tongue:)

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I do NOT have any sort of green thumb … so no … I didn’t even notice the violets lol :stuck_out_tongue: Unless it was bloomed, I wouldn’t know a violet if I fell over it :wink:

My sister sees “green things” and “flowers” too, LOL. and those green things in the walkway are weeds for whacking, unless they happen to be flowering. Then they are “pretty.”

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House designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.


The Hydrangeas have reached peak color. They will soon be going to sleep in their crispy, tan winter colors. :heart:


This past weekend, Mrs. Steve O and I got out for a long weekend road trip. Of course, the camera went along. I got several keepers. This one could be my favorite of the bunch.


That’s lovely!

Thanks! :grinning:

Frozen soap bubbles have been somewhat problematic for me this winter. In order for the bubbles to freeze properly the temperature needs to be in the vicinity of 10 degrees Fahrenheit (-12C) or below. We haven’t really had many days in that range so when the temperature drops anywhere near optimal conditions I’m out giving it a go. Usually I end up frustrated with cold, soapy hands and no photos but this past weekend my efforts were rewarded with a few decent images.

This image was captured with a Nikon D7200 with a Nikkor 40mm f1.8 micro lens. I’m currently doing my preliminary culling, rating, and RAW processing in RAW Power and then finishing the image with Affinity Photo, all on an iPad Pro, complete with the Magic Keyboard, a Magic Mouse II, and a Pencil. After that, I upload the image and hope Instagram/Facebook doesn’t compress the life out of it.


That’s gorgeous! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Very cool! I might have to give that a try.

These could go under this thread or the weather thread. In the backyard over lunch…


Beautiful creatures :heart:

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6am here at the old homestead :slight_smile:

Most of the snow was gone from the high temps and rain. But, this is my favorite kind of snow. Cotton Candy or doused in Confectioners Sugar comes to mind. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:



My wife and I spent a long weekend in San Antonio this past weekend. The trip wasn’t primarily to take pictures, but my wonderfully patient wife was a good sport when I’d swerve like a mad man to pull over for a crappy old sign.


We had another weekend trip this past weekend. Spotted this decaying, layered sign. The graphic nature, type, and contrast caught my eye.


A photo club I’m in has a (mostly) weekly event where the organizer picks a theme, and everyone submits a photos based on the theme. I usually don’t get to participate, but I do get to this week. The theme is “movie scene,” with the direction to either recreate a scene or pay homage to a scene in some way. Here’s my entry.