***Snickers, Chuckles, Giggles & Guffaws!

I saw the movie. So, yeah, letting me watch the film was not a good idea either.

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Oh man, what a heart breaker. I’ve only watched it once. Much like Marley and Me. :sob:

Old Yeller and Sounder we had to read the books in middle school.
Never saw the movies.

Lucky you!

In 4th Grade, Miss Whitbeck read Where the Red Fern Grows to our class over the course of a month or so. At the end of the book, we were all traumatized by the deaths of Billy’s two hounds. All the girls in the class were sobbing, and all the boys were biting their lips so they wouldn’t.

What is it about dog books and movies? The dogs always die at the end?

As I grew older and my heart steelier, I still avoided/avoid Old Yeller like a plague. I had enough trauma.

When I brought the books home from school, my mom read them that same night before I had a chance to look at them. Then made my dad read them. They just mentioned they were sad and handed em back. And later told me they didn’t see the point to having 11 year olds read them. I think if they’d had them in 4th grade, they mighta said something to the teacher.

But too, dad always said, if you gotta put an animal down, see to it yourself, so you know it is done right the first time (I’ve still relied on a vet, on the occasions it needed to be done, but stayed with em every time.)

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“And with his misdirected meme, Steve_O single handedly takes the
‘Snickers, Chuckles, Giggles & Guffaws’ thread to a very dark place.”


Eh, there’s a pretty fine line between laughing and crying, I find.

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I prefer laughing til I’m crying rather than the opposite

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I’ve often laughed till I’ve cried and vice versa :wink:

All just emotions 
 nothing wrong with any of them 
 Do what ya gotta :stuck_out_tongue:

A post was split to a new topic: Podcasts

:rofl: :rofl:


Pretty much like “He can brighten the room by leaving it”.




^assuming they go end-over-end correctly :laughing:

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Years ago, I had an older, seemingly half-senile woman as a supervisor. Seriously, she was nuts. She talked continuously in jumbled partial sentences, made little sense, and never missed an opportunity to belittle and bully.

One day she and a group of us were walking down a hall while she rambled on and on with a string of nonsensical insults and accusations. She was in front of us, walking backward while shaking her finger and chewing us out about some meaningless thing.

As we approached the stairs, she just kept jabbering as people tried to warn her. I vividly remember the expression on her face as she tumbled backward, rolling down the stairs with her dress flying up around her waist.

We were all too shocked to say anything. She wasn’t hurt badly but missed a few days of work. Back in the office, the rest of us feigned horror about the whole incident until someone began giggling under her breath. At that point, hysterical laughter broke out over what had happened. I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so hard.

I hate to admit it, but it still puts a smile on my face.


1976: Long hair
2021: Longing for hair

1976: KEG
2021: EKG

1976: Acid rock
2021: Acid reflux

1976: Moving to California because it’s cool
2021: Moving to Arizona because it’s warm

1976: Trying to look like Marlon Brando or Liz Taylor
2021: Trying NOT to look like Marlon Brando or Liz Taylor

1976: Seeds and stems
2021: Roughage

1976: Hoping for a BMW
2021: Hoping for a BM

1976: Going to a new, hip joint
2021: Receiving a new hip joint

1976: Rolling Stones
2021: Kidney Stones

1976: Screw the system
2021: Upgrade the system

1976: Disco
2021: Costco

1976: Passing the drivers’ test
2021: Passing the vision test

1976: Whatever
2021: Depends



Ha. Whoops. That definitely does not look like a P.