I’ll start.
When every single client pays their invoice on time.
This just happened to me for the first time ever. I can barely believe it. I expect to have to chase a couple late payments.
I’ll start.
When every single client pays their invoice on time.
This just happened to me for the first time ever. I can barely believe it. I expect to have to chase a couple late payments.
That would make me very happy too! That’s pretty awesome Buda! Yay!
A client makes me happy when they set up a meeting to kick off a project. One where we can discuss file prep and file due date scheduling and any other concerns regarding the project.
Sh*t I thought it was whiskey, chocolate and bacon!
Software Upgrades - seriously I know we all hate them now but I’m old enough to remember when a software upgrade
1 actually provided useful extra content
2 did not mean that something else stopped working
Approvals on the first draft. A great photo manipulation.
Client: “Your design is perfect!”
Client’s colleagues, friends, family, pets: “We agree!”
Projects that force me to learn something new.
A client receptive to reasons.
… and whisky!
Whiskey doesn’t make me happy. Kinda makes me stupid(er.)
Bacon, on the other hand, now THAT makes me happy.
When the check clears.
Now, if I have to choose between bacon and whisky … (pacing this way and that)
I’m with PD … keep the Whiskey … just bring bacon
When a client doesn’t linger a project for 3 months then wants it yesterday.
yes, payment is the matter, happy and crying
…when they say, “man, it’s sooooo much easier dealing with a professional on my jobs. thank you.”
i swear. it’s happened before. it may have been the 90s.
When I’m on the 43rd thumbnail and I hear angels singing! It all comes together — I love that feeling.
When a client asks for something that is outside your comfort zone but you give it ago anyway and you totally nail it.
When you finally re-do your portfolio site after way too long…and are pleased with the results.
<—worst client!
Client: When will you send over the changes?
You: I sent it week ago check your spam folder or this date that I sent it.
Client: Thanks.