Too hot!

After weeks of 64-66f today it is 94f. Too damm hot for me lol.

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Right now Toronto is in a tad below 30º C, but is heading towards the low 20s in a few days. The AC might get some rest too.

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In Delhi temprature is better than last month…at the start of July it was around 40º C, this month it is 30-35º C but it’s too humid due to rainy season :sweat_drops: :sweat_drops: :sweat_drops:

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We’ve had a break from the sweltering heat and have been enjoying temps in the 70s and low 80s – very unusual for late July and early August, but I’ll take it.

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We sort of got a break as well. It’s dropped to mid 70’s.

It’s rained for nearly two days due to Hurricane Isaiah. The wind has been bad and lots lost power from a few trees coming down. But, it failed to blow out the humidity … So, since it’s still stuck at 91%, we can’t turn off the AC. You can’t breathe if you do :wink:

thanks god for air conditioning

I just read that Death Valley, California hit 130° F (54.4 C) yesterday (Aug.16). I’m not sure how anything manages to live in that kind of heat. I was there at the end of November and it was nice — one of the most desolate places I’ve ever seen, but still nice.

Right now, here in Salt Lake, it’s a delightfully cool (by comparison) 101°F.

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Holy Moly I don’t know how anything could survive that either. We have been blessed with a few 70-ish days and I’m in heaven. Of course next week it begins to soar again :wink:

You can keep that 101° though :wink:

Um, yeah, no thanks to that 130.

We’ve had a pretty nice string of mid to upper 80s – a little bit more habitable than the aptly named Death Valley.

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…and I’m just sitting here in the southern hemisphere 24C in Queensland

Gah! We’ve usually had a week or two in Qld by this point to warm up a bit. Colour me suitably jealous. :wink:

After weeks and weeks of hot, sticky, muggy weather … today is just making 60° F I needed to close some windows. It’s amazing how fast we acclimate to our surroundings. 60° nights were a blessing but a 60° day makes you break out the sweater or hoodie :smiley: This is supposed to go on for several days … they say mid 70’s … but it’s no where near that today :wink: Well since we had July in May I guess we can have October in August.


We have mid to low 80s for the next week or so.

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It’s 93° F here right now. That’s cooler than it has been, but not cool enough for comfort. I never look forward to the fall since winter comes right on its heels, but I won’t miss these weeks-long stretches of 90s and 100s. The seasons here start to shift during the first part of September, so fall isn’t that far off any longer. This summer, though, I likely won’t miss for several reasons. For that matter, I could likely say that for the entire year — it’s been a disaster.

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I don’t think any of us will mind seeing this year come to a close :frowning:

Me, personally, anything over 80º F is too hot. Right now in Toronto it is about 80º F, but is getting a lot more reasonable in the week ahead – so, no complaint here.

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Fall is hands down my favorite season, but it can be short. We had a nice, long spring season this year, so maybe we’ll have a nice, long fall, too. A guy can dream, anyway.

I do several group bike rides after work during the week, and I noticed how low the sun was in the sky after the rides this week.

It won’t be long until everything on the grocery store shelves is pumpkin spiced.

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It’s raining :cloud_with_rain: :cloud_with_rain: :cloud_with_rain: in Delhi and finally some relief from heat of summer! :hot_face:

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Well, my “too hot” problem got solved today. Yesterday, it was in the low 90s F in my home town where I’ve been for the past couple of days. I just checked the thermometer and it’s 38° F with a forecast of a hard freeze tonight. I can even see snow on the mountains east of town.

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Right now in Toronto it is 60º F in the evening, but the daytime high is a steady 70º F (give or take) throughout the week.

Nope, no snow in sight – and definitely not “Too Hot!”.

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